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City Council Pest Control

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City Council Pest Control Melbournecouncil pest control

Being on a city or state council comes with so many responsibilities. Roads and infrastructure, communal concerns, neighbourhood hygiene; there is so much to do and for every one thing that people are happy with, there are about ten other things they still want done. It’s oftentimes a thankless job but no matter what, handling pest infestations in communal areas will always be well looked on – especially if you get Pestline to take care of your state or city council pest control.

Pests can be a real hazard to the community. Not only are they an eyesore but many of them are responsible for spreading disease-causing bacteria. There are also more directly and aggressively harmful pests, such as wasps and mosquitos that may take up residence in public parks and other locales. Dealing with these pests and their infestations as soon as possible is a top priority not only to manage your reputation as a council but also to prevent physical and emotional damage to those living within your community.

Hiring Pestline ensures that no one ever needs to be harmed by these invasive species within your community. We have the tools, knowledge, and resources to take care of any kind of pest infestation no matter where you are. If your council residents have been letting you know about potential infestations, contact us here, or call 1300 361 646 today.

Best Council Pest Control in Melbourne

Pestline are, at first glance, just another pest extermination company but that’s not how we see ourselves. We are no simple exterminator service, we are a pest control service. What this means is that we don’t just come on-site, give everything a quick spray and then leave with your money.

Pestline offers comprehensive pest control solutions, involving inspection, extermination, and mitigation. We understand the way pest species function and know that where one pest has made its home, another will likely do the same once it’s empty. To this end, we make sure that once we are confident an infestation has been dealt with, its vacant home doesn’t remain ripe for the taking by another pest. We install preventative measures to decrease the chances of you becoming the victim of another invading species.

Pestline is ready and available to handle city council pest control and state council pest control at a moment’s notice. We understand how important the safety of your council residents is and we’re here to help ensure that they remain safe. Many pest species can be aggressive or dangerous, and if humans are found encroaching on what they consider their territory, they may not be satisfied with merely existing in a space.

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Common Council Pests

For city council pest control, the following pests are the most common forms of infestation that pest control experts have to deal with. Any one of these in a public space can be hugely damaging to the area and the people within. We, therefore, recommend that you treat any reports of the following on council-managed properties with their due severity:

Rodents (Mus musculus/Rattus norvegicus)

Wild mice and rats can prove to be a huge problem in public areas. While generally docile and exhibiting hiding behaviours when threatened by humans, sometimes (especially if dealing with rats) they may bite a human in response to feeling under threat or in competition for a food item. These bites can be dangerous as rats and mice frequently carry disease-spreading bacteria. Reports of the following could be signs of an infestation:

  • Concentrated presence of droppings in food storage areas.
  • Commonly used nesting materials such as plants and paper have evidence of shredding.
  • Food packaged has evidence of chewing or biting.
  • Floor-level holes that serve as ingress to their habitat.
  • The odour of droppings from hidden spaces.

Mosquitoes (Culicidae culicinae)

While it is only the female of the species that exhibits this quality, mosquitoes are infamous for their hematophagy, and the capability to supplement their diet with blood. Mosquitoes breed in large numbers near bodies of water, and can frequently infest public areas such as lakes or parks that have suitable habitation conditions. If members of your community are noticing the following, please act as soon as possible:

  • Frequent sightings of adult specimens.
  • Presence of mosquito larvae in stale water.
  • High-pitched buzzing that is common and persistent.
  • Increased evidence of mosquito bites, including sores, itchy spots, rashes, and anaphylaxis.

Bees (Apis mellifera)

The Western or “European Honey Bee” is a species of flying insect that stings as a form of defence. While bees are inherently necessary for the benefit of the environment and generally docile, if they perceive a threat to their colony they will defend it. Aside from the painful sting, bee stings are one of the most common allergies in Australia, therefore great measures should be taken to deter an infestation around your council or state building. You should contact a bee removal company, such as Pestline, as soon as you see any of the following:

  • Constant buzzing.
  • Holes around the property.
  • Active hives.
  • Increased presence indoors and outdoors.
  • Frequent stings.

Wasps (Vespula germanica)

European wasps are renowned for being a highly aggressive pest species. Their nesting behaviours often lead them to establish a colony in a public space, and their territorial natures make them incredibly protective of their nests. They will see anyone who ventures too close to the hive (often in a hidden or difficult-to-see location) as a threat. They will then attack whoever made the mistake of approaching. If there are reports of any of the following, act as soon as possible.

  • Persistent buzzing sounds in or around properties. Wasps like to burrow into walls and such to start their colonies.
  • Randomly occurring holes in walls.
  • The presence of large, grey hives on/inside buildings and trees.
  • Frequently spotted inside or outside.
  • Commonly-occurring stings.

Pestline for Council Pest Control

Make no mistake, while many pest species are relatively harmless and just need to be dealt with for the general health of the people around their infestation, pests that infest council areas can often be directly dangerous. We know that you want to do your best to protect your residents in public areas such as public transport, and it’s for that reason that if you hear of any of the above infestation symptoms, you contact Pestline here or at 1300 361 646 for council pest control.

Call Pestline now for a FREE quote on 1300 361 646.

Speak directly with our owner and be on your way to hassle-free pest control without all the nonsense.


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